The Kidney Clinic

What You Need to Know About Kidney Clinics and Specialists

What You Need to Know About Kidney Clinics and Specialists

What You Need to Know About Kidney Clinics and Specialists

A kidney specialist also referred to as a nephrologist, is a medical professional that specialises in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and disorders of the kidneys, such as chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, and kidney inflammation.

A nephrologist can help diagnose kidney disease at an early stage and provide the necessary treatments to slow its progression and prevent complications. Additionally, they can also help manage conditions such as end-stage renal disease, which require specialised care available in kidney clinics in Singapore.

Nephrologists perform a range of tasks, including:

► Diagnosing kidney diseases and conditions: Nephrologists use a variety of tests, such as blood and urine tests, imaging studies, and biopsy procedures, to diagnose kidney diseases.

► Monitoring kidney function: They regularly assess the health and function of the kidneys in patients with kidney disease or other kidney-related conditions.

► Developing treatment plans: Kidney specialists in Singapore work with patients to create personalised treatment plans, that includes medications, lifestyle changes, and other therapies to manage kidney disease and prevent further damage to the kidneys.

► Managing complications: Nephrologists are trained to handle the difficulties of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure, anaemia, and bone disease.

► Providing dialysis: They customise and manage dialysis treatments for patients.

► Coordinating care: Nephrologists work closely with other healthcare providers, such as primary care physicians, surgeons, and transplant specialists, to provide comprehensive care for patients with kidney disease.

Conditions Treated by a Kidney Specialist

Kidney specialists in Singapore treat a wide range of kidney-related diseases and conditions, including:

► Chronic kidney disease (CKD): A condition in which the kidneys gradually lose function over time.

► Acute kidney injury (AKI): A rapid and abrupt decline in kidney function.

► Kidney stones: Kidney stones are painful crystals that harden in the kidneys and pass through the urinary system.

► Glomerulonephritis: Inflammation of the kidneys’ microscopic filters.

► Nephrotic syndrome: A combination of signs and symptoms brought on by damaged renal filtration.

► Hypertensive nephropathy: Damage in the kidneys caused by high blood pressure.

► Diabetes-related kidney disease: Kidney damage caused by high blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

► End-stage renal disease (ESRD): A severe and irreversible loss of kidney function that requires dialysis or kidney transplantation.

► Kidney tumours: Benign or malignant growths that develop in the kidneys.

These are just a few examples of the types of diseases and conditions that nephrologists treat. By diagnosing and treating these conditions at kidney clinics in Singapore, nephrologists help to maintain good kidney health and prevent further complications.

Tests and Procedures a Nephrologist Might Perform

Nephrologists utilise a variety of tests and procedures to diagnose and treat kidney-related diseases and conditions, including:

► Blood tests: To measure levels of waste products, electrolytes, and other substances that can indicate kidney problems.

► Urine tests: To check for the presence of protein, blood, and other substances that can indicate kidney disease.

► Imaging studies: Including ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI scans to create images of the kidneys and surrounding structures.

► Biopsy: A method for diagnosing and identifying the root cause of renal disease in which a tiny piece of kidney tissue is removed and studied under a microscope.

► Dialysis: A procedure that artificially filters waste products from the blood in patients.

► Kidney function tests: To measure the function of the kidneys and determine how well they are working.

► Renal artery angiography: A procedure that uses X-rays and a special dye to visualise the blood vessels in the kidneys and check for blockages or other abnormalities.

If you suspect you may have kidney disease symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out to a kidney specialist in Singapore! Contact us for more information.

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